Greetings, readers! Sister Jessica here, thanks for tuning in for my guest entry; I'm sure you've all been holding your breath in anticipation! This journey has been absolutely amazing, literally a dream come true! I really don't want to return home, as I was clearly born in the wrong country. I know that I belong here, and this extraordinary place just calls to me.
Upon arriving to Mala Mala, I knew that this was going to be something I would never forget. I actually did begin crying and the lovely woman at Reception, Lindsay, hugged me and said she had goosebumps for me! I have met such wonderful people here, and in South Africa in general. I know we must have done something right, because Jonno is the absolute BEST ranger here. He is so knowledgable and willing to share and teach. He is also incredibly thoughtful, and loves to give surprises!
Our game drive last night brought one of his much anticipated surprises. He parked at the bottom of a small cliff and announced we were going to have a "Sundowner!" We all grabbed the snacks, wine, and gin and tonics he had secretly packed up a short, mild rocky climb. Jonna had to go ahead with his cocked rifle to check for danger, but soon reappeared over the ledge and said "Only a few baboons! Come on up!" So we all climbed (carefully, Mom) up to the most beautiful, perfect spot and watched over the entire reserve as the sun went down. A-MAZ-ING.
This morning Jonna had another surprise for us. It was gray and drizzly this morning, and he initially cancelled whatever he had in mind for us. But then as the sun started to shine down on our poncho-donned bodies, he informed us that he had already radioed camp and the surprise was back on (tricky little bugger, he is)! At about 9:30am, we passed another truck with only two grinning rangers; after high-fiving the other driver as we drove past one another, Jonna said, "Anyone hungry?"... and we emerged into a small clearing with a picnic table set for six, and a fire pit on which Jonna cooked us eggs, bacon, and sausage!! We were all blown away, euphoric, and knowing we would never forget these moments.
We have our last evening drive tonight. Emily and I are so sad to leave. I know that I will be back; this was all-around so amazing - in fact, the word "amazing" doesn't even cover it. I mean, only yesterday we were hanging out with a large herd of elephants as they splashed and played in a shallow river, close around us but uninhibited in our presence. I will never forget these moments.
Thank you all for tuning in to this guest entry; I know I am not quite as poised or well-spoken as my brilliant little sister, but I am delighted to have been included! See you soon.
xo Jess
Sounds like a truly amazing experience! Love the photos and blog ladies! Continue to have safe adventures!