This quote perfectly captures how I’m feeling right now. Plus, I’ve definitely felt like I’ve been in a wonderland these past three months. I can’t believe my time has come to an end. I don’t like the fact that this is my last blog post, but for all of you who took the time to check up on me and read some of my entries, I thank you so much for your attention! I hope it has spurred some interest in taking your own trip to South Africa some day, if you haven’t already. I’m obviously in love with this country and I’ll hold a special fondness for it forever.
Our plan to hike Table Mountain today was a no-go as it was raining when we woke up before sunrise and the forecast didn’t look like it was going to clear up for the rest of the day. We lay in bed for a while more and changed our plans to include a morning trip to Charly’s, a bakery famous in Cape Town for its amazing pastries and sweets. I was pretty much the only person left who hadn’t visited it yet and still needed to check it off my Cape Town to-do list. Of course by the time 8am rolled around the sun was coming out (Cape Town weather for ya – it ended up raining on and off all day), but it had passed our window of opportunity and we were more than happy to settle for a relaxing day just spending time with each other. There were a couple things I had yet to do – Charly’s was a successful excursion; we grabbed muffins to eat for breakfast while curling up on the couch and watched a movie. We also each got a savory dessert for later – just the look of my thick chocolate brownie smothered in hot fudge made my mouth water. We then headed out to Signal Hill in the early afternoon, a mountain included in the Cape Town triad with Table Mountain and Lion’s Head. I had yet to grace this peak, so we packed a lunch and picnicked at the top. It may not have been Table, but it sure was a wonderful farewell to Cape Town. What made it even better were the gifts of my favorite South African protein bar and a National Geographic all about dogs from Christie and Sarah for the plane.
So here I am, on March 30th. Three months ago this date seemed like an eternity away, and now I’m staring at the calendar with my bags packed. It’s certainly the end of an era. A year ago, I couldn’t have dreamed that I would be in this position and I feel accomplished by the fact that I held to a vision to come here and more than followed through with it.
A great deal of credit is due to my mother. Not only am I her youngest daughter, but we’re incredibly close friends and I can’t imagine the courage she built up in order to give me the reins to pursue this decision of mine. She has been absolutely supportive of me since day one, and I can’t put into words how appreciative I am of that. I spent Valentine’s Day and her birthday away from her and wasn’t there to comfort her when her aunt passed away, but she still made me feel like talking to me online was her favorite part of her day. It’s been hard being away from my best friend, but my decision to partake in this journey just illustrates the type of person she raised me to be – passionate, independent, driven, curious of the world around me, carrying a love for other people and possessing the motivation to take off running where my heart leads me. Of course I can’t even begin to describe my thanks for my father as well; I tried my best to emphasize that while he was here. But my mother was the one fervently holding the fort up back home while her family adventured across the world and it must have been hard to miss out on the chance to visit me – I know I was jealous of my dad and Jess for returning back to her! The two of us have never been apart for this long and I’m beyond excited to see her. Almost home, Mom!
I’ve climbed mountains, kissed an elephant, assisted in surgeries, seen open brains, stalked wild cats on the hunt, explored caves, dived with great whites and jumped out of a plane. I’ve made lifelong friends and memories. I’ve faced fears. I’ve loved, lived, lost and learned. I’ve had the experience of a lifetime.
My apartment is being rented out to locals, so Christie and Sarah are moving out of our room at the same time as I am. Sarah had the excellent idea of me choosing the last quote to put on the chalkboard the day I depart, leaving it behind with the apartment. After some thought, I believe I chose the perfect one:
“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.”
- Nelson Mandela
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