Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Sunburn of 2012: January 9th

Well, my first day of work was postponed for a day, so I gained some extra time to explore this amazing city. Yesterday we took a tour of Cape Town on a double-decker bus (using a free voucher from our volunteer program!). Some sights could only be described as breathtaking. We drove along Clifton and Camps Bay, where most of the beaches are located, and it was absolutely beautiful. One feature of Cape Town that is becoming more and more apparent is the great divide between the rich and the poor. Residents here are either very wealthy or very poor, with no continuum at all. The mansions and hotels along the waterfront are obviously devoted to the wealthy. Set right beside the ocean and in front of Table Mountain, it's no wonder these places are worth so much!

We finished off the day with a stroll along Long Street, well-known for its restaurants, bars and markets. We hopped into a store called "The African Market" and found a maze of rooms filled from floor to ceiling with handmade jewelry, clothing, figurines and much more. The people stationed in each room were very adamant at attempting to sell you their things; I was able to hold out for now but I'll definitely be going back!

Of course, the combination of sitting on the top deck of the bus for an hour and then strolling around the city without applying sunscreen got me quite burnt to a crisp: lesson learned.

Today began with a trip to the "Book Lounge" on the corner of the street where we're living - a wicked cute place with floor-to-ceiling shelves of books and couches all around the room. This afternoon is my last free weekday before I being my internship, so it will be devoted to hanging out on the beach. Looking forward to work tomorrow!

xo Emily

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