Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy Belated Pi Day!

Last night could have been like any other night back home. I was typing this laying on the couch in my apartment, listening to an episode of Psych that Christie’s watching on her laptop and drinking some tea after returning from a night out at the movies. We wanted to have a little “hump day” outing so we caught an evening showing of The Iron Lady at the movie theater in town (which is called Labia – hold the laughs). I can certainly see why Meryl Streep won the Oscar for her performance; she was brilliant, as always.

My week could not have started out better. Monday evening I had the privilege of meeting up with a cousin of a great family friend, Susan Remsen. John picked me up near my apartment and took me to Blouberg Beach, an area of Cape Town that I hadn’t yet had the opportunity to explore. The bright blue waters were scattered with countless kite surfers, a sight made all the more beautiful with a stunning view of Table Mountain as the scene’s backdrop. I hate to say it, but I didn’t take a single picture! I was much too caught up in endless conversations with John and listening to his hilarious and insightful life stories. The restaurant we ate at was called Primi Blue and with a table situated right next to the window, it was hard to take my eyes off the view. After several glasses of wine, delicious food, and many laughs, I didn’t even realize it had grown dark. John is the sweetest guy and treated me like a queen! I would love to see his house (situated across the street from Kirstenbosch Gardens) and meet his partner and dogs, so we’re going to try to get together once more before I leave Cape Town. I’m certainly in good hands and great company here!

Today I spent my last moments in theatre watching my final brain surgery (insert lip pout here). Tomorrow marks my last day at the Red Cross – I cannot believe how time has flown. It’s a paradoxical feeling; part of me feels as if I arrived in Cape Town yesterday but mostly I feel like I’ve been here for years rather than months. I’ll be hopping aboard the plane two weeks from tomorrow, carrying back with me loads of goodies, souvenirs and memories.

I want to wish happy belated birthdays to three great friends back home, Adam, Nikki and Lupe! All throughout my college career we’ve had annual combined celebrations and I regret not being there to celebrate with the NU crew this year. I love you guys!

xo Em

Drumroll please…

Ta da! Skydiving pics!

Taking off!

 Excited and ready to go!
 Watching Becca jump out
 Here we go!!

 Flying the parachute all on my own!
We did it!
 Audra, Becca and me beforehand
 Telling the fam about my adventures :)

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